So some exciting news for me, we have moved into our new clinic.
We are now based in ‘The Natural Clinic, 23 Sullivan Quay, Cork’. Using the process of Cork direction, its directly across from ‘The Electric’ Bar. I am settled in now for a few months and its been wonderful.
It’s been a big change, Im working with a full team of amazing people in there who all come from amazing backgrounds. So it’s standing on the shoulder of giants. I must admit, I am very happy here now.
Currently I am working in clinic on a Wednesday and Thursday only, which I am loving. And then the rest of the week on the Mindful IVF app which I am super proud off. If you are doing IVF, this is a must have app for your IVF cycle. I will have some excited news coming soon, BIG BIG UPDATE….
I will try and do some more blogs over the next few weeks I do miss writing them. So everyone take care.