Im not 100% sure if I like this title ‘I’m Pregnant and Terrified’ its just such a contradiction of terms.

Considering all my patients come to me to get pregnant and spend every moment thinking about the moment they find out they are pregnant, or usually most of their day thinking what happens if it never happens.

Searching for any little thing that can get them that result. From acupuncture, to nutrition to pineapple cores…..

And then…..

I usually get the email, text or call.

Gordon, I have news, I’m Pregnant…. I can’t believe it. How did it happen. Its been 2 / 3 / 5 years we have been trying…. They are usually stunned and excited for about 24 hours….

Then… it hits…… FEAR……

You wake up the next morning…… happy… excited….. get a hug from your partner…. The smile….. Eyes wide open…… And you head for the bathroom…. and then it hits you…

This massive massive overwhelming fear….. ‘What if theres some spotting…. When I go to the bathroom….. What if this isn’t real….. WHAM…. PREGNANCY FEAR has arrived out of no where…..

oh crap…. what if I have a miscarriage and lose my baby….

And there it is….. Whats interesting is that this happens to soooooo many people when they find out they are pregnant… Well the patients who come to me feel this way

Of course for 80% of couples this never happens. The are in a very different space… Either crap how did that happen or Yippie we are going to have a baby.

So at the moment in clinic.. we have 27 patients under 12 weeks and guess what !!!!!!!!!

They are ALL FREAKING out on me….. Seriously if I put all of them into the same room in my clinic I could power my clinic for a month and disconnect from Electric Irelands Power grid… UMMMHHHHH !!!!!! Now thats a thought……

So what do we do to stop the ‘FREAKING OUTNESS’

Nothing…. There is nothing you can do. Its just how you feel… And its not going to change…. Fear is a very powerful emotion and it doesn’t like anyone messing with it… Especially when ‘FEAR’ is told…. ‘Don’t worry you’ll be grand’ or better ‘Its all in your Head’, well guess what… ‘FEAR’ will kick your ass every time….. Fighting FEAR will never work. Its too feckin strong….

What you have to do is out manoeuvre it…. Don’t go into the ring and have a head on fist fight with it…..

What you need to do it normalise it…. So all you do is the following…. Sit down, have a cup on tea, a snack bar and say the following……

‘ FEAR, my friend, guess what…. How I feel right now….. is normal…. And thank you for popping up and trying to FREAK me out. I am pregnant, I am happy. And my pregnancy is NORMAL…. My feelings every morning before I go to the Bathroom are NORMAL….. My feelings during the day are NORMAL… So fear…. BACK THE FUCK OFF…….. I am in control, not you….. I am having a NORMAL PREGNANCY’

Oh, one final thing…. It will help you to listen to my hypnosis pieces that I’m putting together over the next few weeks. The one attached here is from 4-6 weeks, you can listen to it every night… And just in case I don’t get the next one up in time, its absolutely NORMAL to use this up to your 12 weeks….

OH, and BTW, sorry for swearing… 😃 but you need to be tough with fear…..

Chat soon, Gordon

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